Category: Blog
Ueshiba Morihei (December 14, 1883 – April 26, 1969)
Teacher of Daito-Ryu Aiki-jujutsu and Aikido Founder Ueshiba Morihei (December 14, 1883 – April 26, 1969) Today is the 50th anniversary of his passing.
Balance deadline reminder
Herne Bay Massive
Pictorial Daito-ryu Ginjukai Lineage
Pictorial lineage of the Daito-ryu Aiki-jujutsu Ginjukai Takeda Sōkaku, the founder of Daitō-ryū Aiki-jūjutsu (October 10, 1859 – April 25, 1943) Takeda Sōkaku (middle) and his student Kodo Horikawa (right). Kōdō Horikawa (1894–1980) Kōdō Horikawa (second from left) seated with Shioda Gōzō (third from left). Kōdō Horikawa (middle) training with…
Interesting Interview with Ueshiba Morihei
A both fascinating and unorthodox interview with Daito-ryu Instructor and Aikido founder Ueshiba Morihei, has surfaced. Aikikai Aikido and Takumakai Daito-Ryu student Guillaume Errard posted that he found it recently. Good job Guillaume! A very curious dynamic develops between interviewer and interviewee, ranging from amused to annoyed (on both sides).…
Okamoto Seigo Interview
West country whistle stop
Daito-ryu in Bristol or Torquay anyone?
Articles for Archive purposes
2016 Interview with Howard Popkin
Control yourselves….
Takeda Sokaku Timeline
This timeline is reproduced from the archive of Aikido Journal. Many thanks to Josh Gold at Aikido Journal for permission. 1859 – Born on October 10, 1859 at the Takeda Mansion in Oike, Aizu Bange-cho, in present-day Fukushima Prefecture. Father, Sokichi Takeda (1819-1906), mother Tomi (unknown dates), daughter of Dengoro…
On the fence about Daito-ryu?
What do we know about Takeda Sokaku?
Great fun tonight
Testimonial from the best of men….Graham Farquhar
Aiki Connections 2019 – Book now.
July will see our 6th annual Aiki Connections weekend with Howard Popkin and Joe Brogna. As anyone who has participated before will tell you, it’s a fantastic weekend full of laughter and a rare opportunity to sample and try for yourself, some amazing authentic Daito-Ryu Aiki-jujutsu. Half the places for…
Study Group “On Tour” dates
Tickets already half sold
We have already sold half of the tickets to next year’s Aiki Connections weekend. If you intend to participate but have yet to secure your ticket, I would advise you to act now. Read testimonials from previous attendees here. Understanding that stumping up the necessary consideration this close to Christmas…
Study Group hits Bristol
Early bird discount ends
The 1st September is upon us. This means the early bird discount for Aiki Connections comes to a close. We have added the facility to pay a deposit in order to secure a limited space without paying the full £120 in one go. Book your Aiki Connections 2019 ticket now
For the metal heads
Book early and save £20
On 1st September 2018, the ticket price for Aiki Connections 2019 will go up to £120. If you want to save £20, book early and in turn help us greatly with the organisation of the event. Visit our event page to book your place now
Free gift…
Horikawa Kodo
Required viewing : Horikawa Kodo
Study Group session in Cornwall
Latest feedback from John Shields
Seminar Feedback just in…by Phil Glover
Aiki Connections 2019
Great news. Howard and Joe will return to the UK in 2019, on the weekend of July 13 & 14. You can pre-book your place now. Aiki Connections 2019
Another review, by Mark Jenner
New review received, this time courtesy of Mr Mark Jenner…. Another great Daito Ryu weekend in Dover with the Aiki connections crowd, four years now and it’s not yet failed to deliver! This is much more than just another martial arts seminar, enlightening, thought provoking, and frustratingly minimalist, it’s all…
New Aiki Connections review, by Simon Thackeray
Great testimonial, by Stuart Turner
Post weekend thoughts
Great feedback, by Paul Wildish
I have been a committed budoka for some fifty years, first practising judo, then subsequently practising Tomiki Aikido, Muso Jikiden Eishin Ryu iaido and Mugai Ryu Iaiheiho. Throughout my budo journey I have shared practice with jujutsu, jodo, kenjutsu, karate, Nihon Shorinji Kempo and Chinese tai chi teachers. This experience…
Less than 3 weeks to go…
Nice words…by Erik Divietro
Aiki Connections Single Day tickets
Assumptions, courtesy of Peter Boylan
An excerpt from an old post on Peter Boylan’s (the Budo Bum) blog…. “Getting out to a seminar or two in another art can broaden your perspective on situations the arts you study are intended to deal with. Every art has a frame through which it interprets the world. It’s…
Aiki Connections 2018, not long now!
Required viewing
Epic training day
Aiki Connections 2018
As we get closer to Aiki Connections 2018, if you are planning to attend, please book your ticket via the event page here Event T-shirts can also be ordered for delivery or pick-up at the Aiki Connections event.
Great feedback from Nikos Papanikolaou
The reasons why I started practising Aikido, was due to its unusual philosophy, its dynamic movement, co-ordination and harmony between the partners as well as integration of mind and body for the practitioner. As I had the tremendous luck to have found excellent teachers during my relatively few years of…
Aiki Connections T-Shirt offer
The first 15 bookers onto Aiki Connections 2018 will get a free event T-shirt. For more details visit the offer page
Daito-Ryu Aiki-jujutsu article for Aikidoka
Last year I wrote the following article for the British Aikido Association magazine “Shizentai”. The intended audience is mainly Tomiki Kenji lineage aikido folk. I very much like the name Shizentai, as “natural posture” is generally what we use in our practice. _______________________________________ Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu When asked about what they…
Brilliant session
300 mile round trip
Ueshiba Morihei (December 14, 1883 – April 26, 1969)
Teacher of Daito-Ryu Aiki-jujutsu and Aikido Founder Ueshiba Morihei (December 14, 1883 – April 26, 1969) Today is the 50th anniversary of his passing.
Balance deadline reminder
Herne Bay Massive
Pictorial Daito-ryu Ginjukai Lineage

Pictorial lineage of the Daito-ryu Aiki-jujutsu Ginjukai Takeda Sōkaku, the founder of Daitō-ryū Aiki-jūjutsu (October 10, 1859 – April 25, 1943) Takeda Sōkaku (middle) and his student Kodo Horikawa (right). Kōdō Horikawa (1894–1980) Kōdō Horikawa (second from left) seated with Shioda Gōzō (third from left). Kōdō Horikawa (middle) training with…
Interesting Interview with Ueshiba Morihei

A both fascinating and unorthodox interview with Daito-ryu Instructor and Aikido founder Ueshiba Morihei, has surfaced. Aikikai Aikido and Takumakai Daito-Ryu student Guillaume Errard posted that he found it recently. Good job Guillaume! A very curious dynamic develops between interviewer and interviewee, ranging from amused to annoyed (on both sides).…
Okamoto Seigo Interview
West country whistle stop
Daito-ryu in Bristol or Torquay anyone?
Articles for Archive purposes
2016 Interview with Howard Popkin
Control yourselves….
Takeda Sokaku Timeline

This timeline is reproduced from the archive of Aikido Journal. Many thanks to Josh Gold at Aikido Journal for permission. 1859 – Born on October 10, 1859 at the Takeda Mansion in Oike, Aizu Bange-cho, in present-day Fukushima Prefecture. Father, Sokichi Takeda (1819-1906), mother Tomi (unknown dates), daughter of Dengoro…
On the fence about Daito-ryu?
What do we know about Takeda Sokaku?
Great fun tonight
Testimonial from the best of men….Graham Farquhar
Aiki Connections 2019 – Book now.

July will see our 6th annual Aiki Connections weekend with Howard Popkin and Joe Brogna. As anyone who has participated before will tell you, it’s a fantastic weekend full of laughter and a rare opportunity to sample and try for yourself, some amazing authentic Daito-Ryu Aiki-jujutsu. Half the places for…
Study Group “On Tour” dates
Tickets already half sold

We have already sold half of the tickets to next year’s Aiki Connections weekend. If you intend to participate but have yet to secure your ticket, I would advise you to act now. Read testimonials from previous attendees here. Understanding that stumping up the necessary consideration this close to Christmas…
Study Group hits Bristol
Early bird discount ends
The 1st September is upon us. This means the early bird discount for Aiki Connections comes to a close. We have added the facility to pay a deposit in order to secure a limited space without paying the full £120 in one go. Book your Aiki Connections 2019 ticket now
For the metal heads
Book early and save £20
On 1st September 2018, the ticket price for Aiki Connections 2019 will go up to £120. If you want to save £20, book early and in turn help us greatly with the organisation of the event. Visit our event page to book your place now
Free gift…
Horikawa Kodo
Required viewing : Horikawa Kodo
Study Group session in Cornwall
Latest feedback from John Shields
Seminar Feedback just in…by Phil Glover
Aiki Connections 2019
Great news. Howard and Joe will return to the UK in 2019, on the weekend of July 13 & 14. You can pre-book your place now. Aiki Connections 2019
Another review, by Mark Jenner

New review received, this time courtesy of Mr Mark Jenner…. Another great Daito Ryu weekend in Dover with the Aiki connections crowd, four years now and it’s not yet failed to deliver! This is much more than just another martial arts seminar, enlightening, thought provoking, and frustratingly minimalist, it’s all…
New Aiki Connections review, by Simon Thackeray
Great testimonial, by Stuart Turner
Post weekend thoughts
Great feedback, by Paul Wildish

I have been a committed budoka for some fifty years, first practising judo, then subsequently practising Tomiki Aikido, Muso Jikiden Eishin Ryu iaido and Mugai Ryu Iaiheiho. Throughout my budo journey I have shared practice with jujutsu, jodo, kenjutsu, karate, Nihon Shorinji Kempo and Chinese tai chi teachers. This experience…
Less than 3 weeks to go…
Nice words…by Erik Divietro
Aiki Connections Single Day tickets
Assumptions, courtesy of Peter Boylan
An excerpt from an old post on Peter Boylan’s (the Budo Bum) blog…. “Getting out to a seminar or two in another art can broaden your perspective on situations the arts you study are intended to deal with. Every art has a frame through which it interprets the world. It’s…
Aiki Connections 2018, not long now!
Required viewing
Epic training day
Aiki Connections 2018
As we get closer to Aiki Connections 2018, if you are planning to attend, please book your ticket via the event page here Event T-shirts can also be ordered for delivery or pick-up at the Aiki Connections event.
Great feedback from Nikos Papanikolaou

The reasons why I started practising Aikido, was due to its unusual philosophy, its dynamic movement, co-ordination and harmony between the partners as well as integration of mind and body for the practitioner. As I had the tremendous luck to have found excellent teachers during my relatively few years of…
Aiki Connections T-Shirt offer
The first 15 bookers onto Aiki Connections 2018 will get a free event T-shirt. For more details visit the offer page
Daito-Ryu Aiki-jujutsu article for Aikidoka
Last year I wrote the following article for the British Aikido Association magazine “Shizentai”. The intended audience is mainly Tomiki Kenji lineage aikido folk. I very much like the name Shizentai, as “natural posture” is generally what we use in our practice. _______________________________________ Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu When asked about what they…