On Tour, Off Balance

Ginjukai UK Branch on tour reaches Wolverhampton.  This weekend, intrepid Aiki seekers came to meet us. Everyone worked very hard to rewire their budo bodies and brains. Those who managed were rewarded with the low effort kuzushi our particular style of Daitō-ryū aims for. It was a pleasure to meet…

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Belfast learners

Today’s study group on tour day absolutely flew by.  We covered an awful lot of up, down and some turn for good measure. Thanks to all who came and helped make it such a fun day.

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What a weekend!

We couldn’t have asked for better weather to hold a weekend of Daitō-ryū.  This year was the tenth anniversary of our wonderful event. Unfortunately Popkin Sensei was unable to make it, leaving Brogna Sensei to run the show solo, which he did with aplomb. Brogna Sensei took the time to…

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Less than four weeks

With less than four weeks to go until Aiki Connections, and all the fun, laughter and mind boggling skills that go with it. If you have yet to settle up your final balances, please could you do so as soon as possible. We have a meal booked for Saturday evening. …

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With our Essex contingent away this week, our diminutive few, the skeleton crew of Daitō-ryū’s hardest core, concentrated on the  basic syllabus solidly for two hours.  I genuinely believe they leveled up somewhat.  Great work guys.

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Improving (slowly)

A fantastic study group session yesterday, with much noticeable progress.  Our school’s Daitō-ryū waza is so incredibly detailed, that in two hours we only managed to get through three of our basic techniques.  We love in depth study.

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Work Rate

These guys were deep in study this evening, working super hard in the run up to the Aiki Connections 10th anniversary weekend in July.

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Able hands

The group knuckled down to basic syllabus last night.  These waza consist of so much precise detail they alone provide years of focused study and insight.

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Excellent work

Great turnout for tonight’s study group session, which went to well over two hours. One attendee drive down especially from Sheffield to experience what we do. A very big welcome from us all.

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Opening the Mirror

Tonight consisted entirely of practising in lines. A fantastic energy as always in the dojo. In honour of Kagami Biraki, we didn’t have any mochi, so we settled for a wee dram instead and celebrated the promotion by Popkin Sensei and Brogna Sensei of four members of our group to…

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Brendan’s feedback

I’ve been to many martial arts seminars over the years through involvement in Aikido and Karate. I’ve enjoyed every one of them in different ways and occasionally I’ve used the word ‘superlative’ in relation to particular events. ‘Aiki Connections’ is most definitely in the superlative category; from the subtle refinement…

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Boys Buoyed

After an absolutely incredible Aiki Connections weekend, this merry band of brothers came together with the aim of consolidating what they learned. Their commitment and effort never ceases to impress me.

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Gábor’s review

I had heard about the Aiki Connections seminars many years ago so it was on my radar. After reading the 1990 interview with Seigo Okamoto Soshi, translated by Christopher Li in 2019, I decided to definitely take part in the next one. Unfortunately Covid put the plan on hold. Finally,…

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One of our two fantastic teachers, Popkin Sensei, once again talked us through another revelation tonight. The ability to tweak our application and level up our understanding via video chat never ceases to amaze me.

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This Group

Such a brilliant evening training tonight.  Popkin Sensei’s instruction had everyone buzzing and working super hard. It’s such a pleasure to practise Daito-ryu with these people every week. Their hard work, camaraderie, encouragement and laughter makes the whole endeavour thoroughly worthwhile.  So proud to be part of it. 

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Seminar meal

We are booked at the same venue as last year, The Rock Lodge in Whitstable. Have a look at the menu below and we’ll contact all those booked on for the weekend to see if they want to attend the meal.

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Focused few

A few people are away at the moment, but our temporarily pared down study group prepared for an evening of intensive focus and training. Enter Popkin sensei on a video call from New York to look in on proceedings. It still amazes me how he so easily diagnoses and corrects…

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All Day Daito-ryu

This Saturday, Daito-ryu took over the Shogun Dojo as once again we took the study group “on tour”. We didn’t have to travel far this time though as we infiltrated Shogun’s regular Aikido and Karate classes. Great effort was made by both groups to try something a bit different. And…

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