Weekend thoughts

I just got back from the airport run, and am in full on adrenaline dump mode. I just wanted to get a few thoughts down about the weekend. This was the sixth consecutive Aiki Connections seminar. Each year Howard and Joe have attracted an increasing number of participants to the…

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Seminar weekend timings

Quick update on timings for the weekend. Friday night, in Herne Bay. 7pm – 9pm (please arrive early). Car park opposite is couple of quid for the evening. Venue – Shogun Martial Arts, 55-56 Central Parade, Herne Bay CT6 5JG Saturday in Dover. Please arrive by 9.30 so we can…

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6 weeks left

Now’s your chance to snag the last couple of spots at the Aiki event of the year. If you are aiming to attend Aiki Connections 2019, this is your final call to action. Don’t delay, act now. Don’t miss out

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Herne Bay update

We forgot to take the obligatory group pic, so heres Will and Dave from last time. Great session Friday night, and a warm welcome to our new group addition Dan. See you all for more on the 6th June.

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Pictorial Daito-ryu Ginjukai Lineage

Pictorial lineage of the Daito-ryu Aiki-jujutsu Ginjukai Takeda Sōkaku, the founder of Daitō-ryū Aiki-jūjutsu (October 10, 1859 – April 25, 1943) Takeda Sōkaku (middle) and his student Kodo Horikawa (right). Kōdō Horikawa (1894–1980) Kōdō Horikawa (second from left) seated with Shioda Gōzō (third from left). Kōdō Horikawa (middle) training with…

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Interesting Interview with Ueshiba Morihei

A both fascinating and unorthodox interview with Daito-ryu Instructor and Aikido founder Ueshiba Morihei, has surfaced. Aikikai Aikido and Takumakai Daito-Ryu student Guillaume Errard posted that he found it recently. Good job Guillaume! A very curious dynamic develops between interviewer and interviewee, ranging from amused to annoyed (on both sides).…

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Okamoto Seigo Interview

I forgot to share this last month when it was posted up. Originally published in 1990 by Gekkan Hiden Magazine (“Secret Teachings Monthly”), our friend Chris Li put up part one of an interview with Okamoto Sensei on his excellent Sangenkai blog. (I love this picture)

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West country whistle stop

That was a busy weekend…. We just had a great weekend’s study group action in the west country. First a quick 4 hour Friday night drive down to Bristol, courtesy of my trusty chauffeur/Brother. Sone refreshments followed of course.. On Saturday Daren gave me a quick tour of Bristol before…

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Daito-ryu in Bristol or Torquay anyone?

Next weekend, the Study Group will be on tour in the west country. On Saturday (23rd March 2019), we will be in Bristol, hosted by Daren Sims at Bristol South Aikido Dojo. Hopefully a few beers will be tasted on Friday, followed by training on Saturday from 1pm – 5pm.…

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Articles for Archive purposes

Daito Ryu Article for BAA Shizentai Magazine Daito Ryu article in BAB Aikido Times Magazine Howard Popkin Interview part 1 in BAA Shizentai Magazine Howard Popkin Interview part 2 in BAA Shizentai Magazine Aiki Connections 2017 advert in BAB Aikido Times Magazine

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2016 Interview with Howard Popkin

Howard, you and Joe Brogna operate the Daito Ryu Ginjukai in New York. For those who don’t know what it is, please could you tell us about Daito Ryu? Daitoryu Aikijujutsu was brought to the public eye a few generations ago by Takeda Sokaku. The son of a Samurai, Sokaku…

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Control yourselves….

This handsome chap has the very first and only Aiki Connections 2019 t-shirt produced. His rugged good looks are perfect for showing off this year’s design. Order your shirt today, then either pick it up at Aiki Connections or have it posted to you.

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Takeda Sokaku Timeline

This timeline is reproduced from the archive of Aikido Journal. Many thanks to Josh Gold at Aikido Journal for permission. 1859 – Born on October 10, 1859 at the Takeda Mansion in Oike, Aizu Bange-cho, in present-day Fukushima Prefecture. Father, Sokichi Takeda (1819-1906), mother Tomi (unknown dates), daughter of Dengoro…

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On the fence about Daito-ryu?

Have a read of some of the testimonial quotes below from previous participants of the Aiki Connections weekend, then head over and book your place at this year’s event. “There is only one way to understand this level of Aiki and that is to feel it or to get “Hands…

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Aiki Connections 2019 – Book now.

July will see our 6th annual Aiki Connections weekend with Howard Popkin and Joe Brogna. As anyone who has participated before will tell you, it’s a fantastic weekend full of laughter and a rare opportunity to sample and try for yourself, some amazing authentic Daito-Ryu Aiki-jujutsu. Half the places for…

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Study Group “On Tour” dates

We are pleased to announce the following Daito-Ryu Study Group sessions in Bristol and Torquay during mid February. Following the successful visit in 2018, we return to Bristol on Saturday 23rd March at Bristol South Aikido Dojo, Fortfield Road Bristol, BS14 9NX. On Sunday 24th March, we are at St…

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Herne Bay – New Study Group venue

Following the great visit to Herne Bay’s Shogun Martial Arts last week, and after further discussion with Lee Adams, we are pleased to announce we will be holding regular monthly Daito-Ryu Study Group sessions in the new year. They will be on the first Friday of each month, starting with…

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Study group hits Herne Bay

Last night, we took a “Study Group on Tour” trip over to Lee Adams’ dojo, Shogun Martial Arts School, in Herne Bay. It’s the first time I had seen Lee’s new dojo, which was once an amusement arcade on Herne Bay sea front. We were most impressed with the facility.…

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Tickets already half sold

We have already sold half of the tickets to next year’s Aiki Connections weekend. If you intend to participate but have yet to secure your ticket, I would advise you to act now. Read testimonials from previous attendees here. Understanding that stumping up the necessary consideration this close to Christmas…

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Study Group hits Bristol

The classic training error of taking the group shot at the end when 5 people had already left. I just got back to Kent after a long drive back from Bristol (4 hours is always an eternity with my kids in the car). On Saturday, we held a 6hr “Study…

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Early bird discount ends

The 1st September is upon us. This means the early bird discount for Aiki Connections comes to a close. We have added the facility to pay a deposit in order to secure a limited space without paying the full £120 in one go. Book your Aiki Connections 2019 ticket now

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Book early and save £20

On 1st September 2018, the ticket price for Aiki Connections 2019 will go up to £120.  If you want to save £20, book early and in turn help us greatly with the organisation of the event. Visit our event page to book your place now

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Horikawa Kodo

Some fantastic photos of Horikawa Kodo, Okamoto Sensei’s teacher. Our thanks to Ole Kingston of Daito Ryu Enryukai. A Young Kodo Taiso Horikawa, Sokaku Takeda, Kodo Horikawa. The famous photo of Kodo with a young Gozo Shioda.

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Study Group session in Cornwall

Whilst on holiday in Cornwall, I visited fellow Ginjukai member Dave Remnant. Dave kindly showed me around his land and property before we took to his home dojo. Converted from a former stable, this fantastic facility was the setting for an evening of Daito-ryu, beer and pizza. My thanks to…

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Latest feedback from John Shields

Some nice feedback from John Shields… I have been practising the art of Aikido for the last 30 years, and have had the good fortune to have trained with various Sensei and Shihan from both Europe and Japan. On meeting Sensei’s Popkin and Brogna, I was amazed at their technical…

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Seminar Feedback just in…by Phil Glover

Aiki Connections seminar feedback just in courtesy of Phil Glover….. Tl;dr: It was good, join us next time. So, it’s been a couple of weeks since the 2018 Aiki Connections Seminar and I’ve been using the time to try and organise my thoughts to offer some feedback. Before we start, a bit…

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