Crushing it
Opening the Mirror
New Year Renewed Vigour
Brendan’s feedback

I’ve been to many martial arts seminars over the years through involvement in Aikido and Karate. I’ve enjoyed every one of them in different ways and occasionally I’ve used the word ‘superlative’ in relation to particular events. ‘Aiki Connections’ is most definitely in the superlative category; from the subtle refinement…
Boys Buoyed
Gábor’s review
Smashing it
Focused few part 2
This Group

Such a brilliant evening training tonight. Popkin Sensei’s instruction had everyone buzzing and working super hard. It’s such a pleasure to practise Daito-ryu with these people every week. Their hard work, camaraderie, encouragement and laughter makes the whole endeavour thoroughly worthwhile. So proud to be part of it.
Seminar meal
Focused few
Working hard
Back at it
Ups and downs
All Day Daito-ryu
The writings on the wall
Warm evening…
Epic summers evening
Lucky lot
Crush em!
Bristol Study Group
Nifty fifties
Proper treat
Tonight was fun
Small circle
Crushing fun
A toast
Aiki Connections 2022 gallery
Intensive training
2023 onwards and upwards!
Training this Friday
Oh my….
Not long now…
Very active session

“Circumstances” meant we had a bit of skeleton study group last night. Short training lines aside, we focused on just three kata for the whole session. With limited opportunities to practise before Popkin Sensei and Brogna Sensei arrive in December, we finished the evening with a real feeling that progress…
Destination Copenhagen

A contingent from the study group went on tour courtesy of an invitation from Ole Kingston of Daito-ryu Aiki-Jujutsu Enryukai. Great friends with our teachers Popkin and Brogna Senseis, Ole has practised Daito-ryu since 1986. Ole began the Daito-ryu Aiki-Jujutsu Enryukai after Okamoto Sensei passed away in 2015. We were…